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I'm Sarah, founder of Stepping Stones with Sarah. I'm a Reflexologist who has a passion for women's health and making the most out of everyday! Love: photography, spending time with those I love (usually in Starbucks), Kindle-ing, meditation and getting out in the sunshine!

Thursday 10 November 2011

Now is the Right Time!

This blog post starts with a low (sorry!). A family member found out this week that they were being made redundant.  It was from a job that they had put everything into for the past 20 years. The job seemed stable and they had gone from strength to strength.  The redundancy came completely out of the blue. After the initial shock had settled down, it really hit home to us all that nothing is ever certain! The safest most stable situation can change in an instant. Now this all sounds pretty depressing but there is a positive ending!

The person in question had talked for years and years about one day owning a boat. It was clearly a big dream for them but they were always waiting for the 'right time'. Which is where we go back to the redundancy... This situation has brought about a whole new outlook on life for that person. They have suddenly realised that life is far too short to be waiting to do what you have always dreamed of.  Life is for living! If you aren't living life to the fullest now, when will you start!? So this weekend they are joining their local boat club and starting the search for their dream boat! Redundancy is a pretty scary and understandably stressful time - but in this case it's enabled a whole new lease of life.

So that's where my question to you arrives - are you living the life you dreamed? If you are, fantastic! But what if you're waiting for the 'right time'?  When is the right time!?

It doesn't mean you should achieve all your dreams right this very moment.  Or even that all practicalities go out of the window.  We can't always have what we want right now.  Not all dreams can be found in the boat yard!  But what is important is that you are doing something every day, no matter how small, to move towards your dreams.

But what if you're not sure what your dreams are?  What if you're feeling stuck? There are some fun ways to discover what really sets your heart alight. Ways to turn on your intuition. Give some of these a try:

Write a Bucket List - write out 100 things you would like to do in your lifetime. Don't think too hard about it, just put pen to paper and scribble down everything and anything that comes to mind.  Maybe it's something extreme like doing a skydive or maybe it's something really simple like growing a herb garden. Write it down!

Create a Vision Board - so maybe you're not a list person. Then it's time to build a vision board! Get together a stack of magazines and catalogues. Go through each one and pull out any images that strike a chord. Any images that make you smile or represent the life you would like to lead. Once you have a collection of images, attach each of them to your vision board. What themes keep coming up in your images? Keep the vision board close by. Put it up in your home office or next to your bed - focus on it each day.

This leads to Visualisations! Visualisations can be so powerful and I always recommend to clients that they should visualise the goal they are trying to achieve. Spend a few minutes each day just sitting or lying in a quiet space and visualise your dream life. Really look at all the details - Where are you? What are you wearing? How do you feel? Put yourself there. Make it as vivid as you can! And do this as often as you can.

Write a Letter from your Future Self - address the letter to anyone you like but make sure you describe exactly what your future life is like. Where do you live? Do you have a family? Where do you work? As you write out your letter, really tune in to what it would be like to live that life.

Each of these activities is a future blog post in itself, but this should get you started. Once you've spent some time doing these activities, you may find that the same dreams are coming up for you each time. This is the direction you should aim to move in.  And don't wait for the right time.  Start today! If you need a set amount of money to achieve your dream, open up a savings account this week and start paying as much as you can into it (even if it's just a pound!). Or if your dreams are pointing you towards a new career, make this week's goal to research the various training options available.  

What small step can you take today to start living the life you dream of?

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