About Me

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I'm Sarah, founder of Stepping Stones with Sarah. I'm a Reflexologist who has a passion for women's health and making the most out of everyday! Love: photography, spending time with those I love (usually in Starbucks), Kindle-ing, meditation and getting out in the sunshine!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

With it being Thanksgiving across the pond this week, it seems fitting to focus this week's post on gratitude! 

When you're going through a challenging time in your life, it is so easy to become fully focused on how much is going wrong. Or rather how much you are lacking in life. These thoughts only lead to a darker place! It can be soooo difficult to pull yourself out of this dark place. How can you find positivity in your life when everything feels so hard!?

The best place to find it.....right where you are! We take so much for granted in our lives and amongst the fog of our challenges, we often can't see the positive things that are already part of who we are. Gratitude is the starting point...

Even if your life is in a really difficult place - maybe you've lost your job or you've been unable to start a family or perhaps an important relationship has broken down - put all your energy into finding that gratitude.  I guarantee there will be many things in your life that others can only wish they had. Ok it doesn't make everything perfect but the immediate lift it can give you surely makes it worth a try?

So what are you grateful for in your life right now......Go right back to basics if you have to!

Your Health?
Source: flickr.com via Jacy on Pinterest

A Supportive Partner?

Close Friends?

A Warm Home?

“An attitude of gratitude brings great things.”  Yogi Bhajan

But if you want to discover if the quote above rings true, you need to start bringing gratitude into your daily life. But how?

Try keeping a notebook by the side of your bed and end each evening by listing three things you are grateful for that day - that toffee nut latte, missing the traffic -  really notice the little things.

Or pull out the albums and take a look through your photographs - how many things do they capture that you are truly grateful for?

As a list lady and lover of photography, I like to keep my gratitude practice right here

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!

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